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Fired Up Blues

Iain Lamond Presenter / DJ Iain has been working in community radio since early 2019 after being recruted to Wirral Wave Radio in December 2018. He works a presenter of their Beer Show and alternate Blues show and is co-manager, making sure everything is scheduled and runs smoothly, this doesn't always happen! (That's community radio for you!) His interest in Blues was formed at an early age when his mum introduced him to Manfred Mann, Barcaly James Harvest and Queen. In his teens he developed his own musical tastes forming mainly are UK indie bands like Jesus Jones, Carter USM and Pop Will Eat Itself as well as getting to rap music like Cypress Hill and Linkin Park, although he has always liked experimental bands like Genesis and Pink Floyd. He also likes bands such as Coldplay and Snow Patrol. Now his musical interests range from Dream Pop to Blues Rock to Heavy Metal. REM are a big influence, espcially the early years when they had a more Americana / Blues sound to them. He tries to promote new and upcoming artists wherever possible. His love of the Blues was reinvigorated in 2020 over lockdown when he discovered a Facebook advert for When Rivers Meet and ordered the CD without even listeing to the music! Through their fan community his love and knowledge of modern Blues and Blues Rock has grown, with him being introduced to the likes of King King, Elles Bailey and Connor Selby amongst many others. Orignally an occaisional feature in his Beer Show, he developed a Blues show in July 2022 to help out his college, friend and station manager on Wirral Wave, Paul, who produces their regular Blues show. Now they share alternate weeks. Iain has not has one repeated show! It goes out three times a week, but its always a new show when his turn comes around. Six Beer Show featues and 10 full shows later, the show originally entiteld Have I Got Blues For You has morphed into, after much consulatation, Fired Up Blues for its syndication to Blues Radio UK. The title was suggeted by Paul from Wirral Wave and embodies Iain's love of modern Blues Rock, although some classic and slower Blues will also feature.

Every week Iain brings you an eclectic mix of modern, contemporary, classic and alternative Blues as well as a “Two Track”, two songs from a featured artist. There may even be artists you may not associate with the blues. He’s all fired up for Fired Up Blues, are you?

 Fired Up Blues


Iain Lamond